We tested this married dating website
If you are looking to hookup this is the best site going. If you are looking to hookup with married people, this one may not be the best one. It is one of the sites that we reviewed which didn’t cater specifically to married people. Although that may seem like a plus, it means that they are less in tune with keeping your secrecy, and less concerned about how discrete they are with your information, which is never a good thing. Ihookup is a cheating dating site that is for people who aren’t looking for a relationship, but just to hookup. There is no expectation that a relationship is going to be started, people are on there for one thing and one thing only, sex. The perfect venue for someone who is looking for a little thrilling and exhilarating sex, it may not have everything you want.

Ihookup had a great mixture of hot women who were both, older and younger. They weren’t all married, or single, but mixed. Looking more like a porno site, it was like everything goes. That was both, good and bad. The good is that you got to see the goods before you took the time and energy to meet someone outside of the site. The bad is that with any explicit site there usually comes a lot of fraud and scam, and this site was no stranger to it. We had a great response to all of our contact requests, but not many of them were real. There were a lot of women who we reached out to who were nothing but fronts for escort services. When we reached out and sent messages 70% of the time we had a return correspondence, but only about 10% of those led to real women and of those, 2% led to it going anywhere real.

We give a try to a married dating site called iHookup. Unfortunately it was a regrettable experience.You should absolutely avoid this website. Give a try to one of our recommended cheating dating sites. They are DISCREET & SAFE
The site itself is fun. If for nothing else you get to see lots of naked women, but if you are looking for something more then it won’t get you the results you are looking for. There are many ways to contact people you are interested in with IM messaging and emails. They also give you the option to room chat, or video chat, which can make for some pretty interesting conversation. Although a convenience, the technology behind it is pretty outdated. Most of the time you can only view people from the belly button up and we all know how important the under the belly region can be. Other sites that we visited had a much more advanced system and set of features.
Comparison of iHookup.com
Unlike the other married sites that we reviewed the thing that we did like about ihookup is that there is no mistaking why you are on there. No one is misleading about what they want, it is just for nothing more than sex. When you are in, an affair type situation, is the best way to go. You don’t have to worry about picking up a stalker, or someone wanting a sugar daddy when they say all that they want is pure sex. This is the one site that delivers on what the name says it is. The most important part of the review, however, is the lack of security that came along with using this site. It wasn’t very important to those who ran it that just one wrong move on their part could lead to disaster on our end. We forgot to pay the premium for the membership and in the mail came a statement letting us know that we were running late on what we owe.
Our conlusion on iHookup
When we called back the notice, they were not hesitant to tell us what the problem was. They were more than willing to tell us what the subscription was, who had taken the subscription out. There are many different options available to pay for the monthly fee which is good, but that doesn’t help when they don’t care about keeping your secret discrete from the other people in your life. On the whole this site may occasionally get you sex, but we can’t even be sure about that. Why waste your time and money on a site that may, or may not get you what you want, but will most likely get you caught cheating. Save the fee that this membership costs and spend your dollars somewhere else.